Objective | Objectivo
To Lead Our Teens Closer to Christ within an environment engaging with Christ and surrounded by a faith-filled community
Acercar a nuestros adolescentes a Cristo interior un ambiente comprometido con Cristo y rodeado de una comunidad llena de fe
Vision | Visión
“And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” Matthew 18:3-5
“Y él dijo: “En verdad os digo que, a menos que os cambiéis y os hagáis como niños, no entraréis en el reino de los cielos. Por tanto, cualquiera que se ponga en la posición más humilde de este niño, ése es el mayor en el reino de los cielos. Y quien recibe en mi nombre a uno de esos niños, a mí me recibe.” Mateo 18:3-5
Upcoming Events for 2024:
April 25th-27th: Spring retreat at Hidden Lake! Register here: Retreat Registration
June 2nd-7th: Middle school summer camp at Hidden Lake with Life Teen. Register here: Middle School Summer Camp
June 9th-14th: High school summer Mission Trip to Abbeville, Louisiana with Life Teen Restore! Register here: High School Mission Trip
Available Programs:
High School Youth Group
Upcoming Youth Group Nights!
- January 19th: Convertsations
- January 26th: Adoration
- February 2nd: Men's and Women's night
Middle School Youth Group
Upcoming Events!
- Register using the link below or check the bulletin for youth night dates, there are typically 2 a month
Elementary Youth Group
If you are interested in volunteering to help with Youth Ministry (high school, middle school, or elementary), please contact me at youthminister@smcrome.org.
Si está interesado en ofrecerse como voluntario para ayudar con el Ministerio Juvenil (escuela secundaria, secundaria o primaria), comuníquese conmigo a youthminister@smcrome.org.